Helen O'Grady Drama

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy began in Perth , Western Australia in 1979.It is of international status and in South Africa alone there are 9 branches with 4,000 children attending each week.I have now been involved with the Academy for over 15 years,6 years in London,UK and 9 years in Johannesburg.The Academy has gone from strength to strength and we now have 600 students attending classes in 14 locations.The Academy has expanded with the help of my highly skilled, caring, enthusiastic teachers , Catherine Brooks,Venetia Herbst, Stephanie Nel, Hilliary Meikle and Cindy Hammond.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Corporate Drama : Adding a Magic Ingredient To how You Present!

The strategic director of  SMV South Africa, a global  media company approached the Academy  to present  a workshop which could help bridge the gap between business and drama.The company have many fantastic presenters but the idea was to push the boundaries and make them " sparkle". A two hour workshop involved  group bonding exercises, relaxation and vocal training, lateral thinking, bringing to life a power point presentation and dealing with the unexpected ! Besides teaching them new skills , great fun was had by all!

Our workshops  can be tailored  to suit the needs of the client and can vary from a two hour workshop to an 8 week course (one hour a week ).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Helen O'Grady drama student finalist at IMTA Awards in July 2012

Well done to Katleho Mallela (age 17 years) who has reached the finals of the IMTA awards in July 2012. Katleho has been attending the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy in Kempton Park for the last 5 years. Our Youth Theatre  programme which focuses on performance has certainly helped her to become such a wonderful performer.
 The  IMTA holds a number of competitions for  Actors, singers and dancers to demonstrate their potential .The agents, personal managers and casting directors who are judging are not only scoring the participants, they're also scouting for new talent to represent or cast.
Katleho, as are all the kids who are with the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Johannesburg North East belong to our casting agency Take10. Katleho was recently featured in a PSA  advert  for Aids. The casting directors were very impressed with her.
Lets keep our fingers crossed for Katleho at the Awards!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Kensington Upper Primary make it to Youtube!

At  the end of last term our Lower (5-8yrs) and Upper Primary kids (9-12yrs) had great fun performing "The Marionettes" mime to Music-The story of Cinderella at the ball.The kids had to move like Marionettes (puppets).  Kensington Upper primary class were so excited at the prospect that they all dressed up and two of our boys - Bohale and Ryan decided the week before to be the ugly sisters and turned up in dresses and wigs!!And then just to compliment them , Dominic quite happily put on a wig and became the step mother! They had such fun that we decided to put it on video- check it out on Youtube!!