Some of our Youth Theatre classes are rehearsing "Cinderella in Africa" , our very own version of the famous pantomime. Part of our Youth Theatre programme is to teach them diffrent styles of stage performance. Pantomime involves larger than life acting, audience participation and boys dressed up as girls!
The Johannesburg North East Branch has 7 shows and all our welcome! Each performance will display the talents of our students ages 5 - 18 years. We even have an adult class.
VENUE: Jabula Recreation Centre,
Cnr Athlone/ Anne St, Sandringham
DATES: Saturday 24th November
7.30 - 9.30pm
Thursday 29th November
7.00- 9.00pm
Friday 30th November
7.00- 9.00pm
Saturday 1st December
3.30- 5.30pm & 7.30 - 9.30pm
Sunday 2nd December
3.00- 5.00pm & 7.00- 9.00pm
COST : R50 adults
R10 for child ( 5- 17 yrs)