Helen O'Grady Drama

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy began in Perth , Western Australia in 1979.It is of international status and in South Africa alone there are 9 branches with 4,000 children attending each week.I have now been involved with the Academy for over 15 years,6 years in London,UK and 9 years in Johannesburg.The Academy has gone from strength to strength and we now have 600 students attending classes in 14 locations.The Academy has expanded with the help of my highly skilled, caring, enthusiastic teachers , Catherine Brooks,Venetia Herbst, Stephanie Nel, Hilliary Meikle and Cindy Hammond.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lower Primary classes going fishing!

Our Lower primary classes (age 5-8) love dressing up and using props in their lessons. Each week we have a different theme and the use of props prepares them for their end of year productions. Fun was had  by all in their improvisation "The Fishing Trip". Many brought  home made fishing rods and even plastic or paper fish to complete the picture. The impovisations are designed to improve self confidence and communication skills  by encouraging  verbal and physical interaction.

Sandton Lower Primary

Kempton Park Lower Primary