Helen O'Grady Drama

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy began in Perth , Western Australia in 1979.It is of international status and in South Africa alone there are 9 branches with 4,000 children attending each week.I have now been involved with the Academy for over 15 years,6 years in London,UK and 9 years in Johannesburg.The Academy has gone from strength to strength and we now have 600 students attending classes in 14 locations.The Academy has expanded with the help of my highly skilled, caring, enthusiastic teachers , Catherine Brooks,Venetia Herbst, Stephanie Nel, Hilliary Meikle and Cindy Hammond.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Helen O'Grady students compete against eachother in YOTV's game show Blom or Vaya!

16 of the Helen O'Grady Youth Theatre students from our Kensington and Sandton studios had great fun going on set of the SABC 1 YOTV game show "Blom or Vaya". The students paired up with their best friends and had to compete against another couple. The winners were the ones who knew their partner the best and  the couple who got the most points on the leader board were the over all winners. The first episode flights on Monday 16th September at 3.25pm - do be sure to watch it. There are 4 episodes .  More of our students will be going on the show later this month.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Long Walk to Freedom featuring 4 Helen O'Grady drama students has an 8 minute standing ovation at the Toronto film Festival !

The highly anticipated film "Long Walk to Freedom" made its debut at the Toronto film festival on Saturday. We are very proud of 4 of our drama students who played Nelson Mandela's children :


Sinakho Motsepe
Role : Tembi (Mendela's son age 6yrs)

Khumbuzile Maphumulo
Zeni(Mendela's daughter age 8 yrs)

Joshua Manana
Tembi (Mandela's son age 11yrs)
Refilwe Charles
Zinzi ( Mendela's daughter age 12 yrs).
All the children have been attending the drama academy for many years and are real stars in their own right! The casting director was very impressed with their performances and how well they took direction.
Check out the links from the press conference:
 Idris Elba  who play Mandela is tipped to be nominated for an Oscar. The film is due to be released in South Africa on 29th November 2103.