Helen O'Grady Drama

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy began in Perth , Western Australia in 1979.It is of international status and in South Africa alone there are 9 branches with 4,000 children attending each week.I have now been involved with the Academy for over 15 years,6 years in London,UK and 9 years in Johannesburg.The Academy has gone from strength to strength and we now have 600 students attending classes in 14 locations.The Academy has expanded with the help of my highly skilled, caring, enthusiastic teachers , Catherine Brooks,Venetia Herbst, Stephanie Nel, Hilliary Meikle and Cindy Hammond.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Clumsy !

Last week, all our Lower and upper Primary students were having fun dressed up as adults at an elegant party on board a ship. They were performing a mime to music in which they had to move in time to music with exaggerated gestures and facial expressions.The music changed as the ship became caught up in a storm. They had to enact the ship rolling from one side of the other. Lots of expressive movement as they surged with the boat, trying to stay upright.As the ship settles back down , the students had to show their relief and calm themselves down before mingling with eachother again. Mime to music encourages our students to express themselves non verbally use their bodies and faces.
The skill of miming and non verbal communication is very useful when it comes to our drama kids going for auditions for TV commercials which often require just facial expressions. The children who attend the Drama Academy do really well at auditions and we often get great feedback from the casting directors who are impressed by their acting and performance skills.

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